Mode of Treatment

Medicines administered from the dispensary include Vatis(Pills), Churna(Powder), Bhasmas(purified metallic preparation) , Asav Arishtas(Liquid medication), Taila(Oil), Lepa, Seka (medicines used for fomentation), Malham (Ointment).

Treatment is done on opd basis only,no in patient department (Ipd) is available.

Medicines dispensed from the clinic for minimum period of 7days/14/21/30 days according to the convenience of the patients, as it is not possible for outstation patients to come to the clinic every week for follow up. But in exceptional cases the period of follow-up may vary according to the severity of disease.

We dont prescribe any outside medicines.

Specialities of Treatment
In modern times where one drug can prove efficient in treating different people suffering from same disease, in Navjeevan Arogyadham ancient method of ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment is followed. Like {Nadi parikshan (Pulse examination), Koshta parikshan(Per Abdominal Examination), and various aspects of Prakruti examinations are done, according to the intensity of the Disease, its Stage,Grade etc.

Past history of patient relating to Drug / Diet / Allergy / Surgery / Hereditary are considered along with various other important parameters(aspects) like Agni(Appetite), Sar, Sahanan,Satva,Satmya and only then the medicines are prepared with proper combination of Ras Rasayan Bhasmas and Herbal medicines. Above mentioned examinations also facilitate to advice the patient with the right Regimen, Diet and Exercise ( i.e. Ahar and vihar), as no treatment can be successful unless subtle changes are made with the routine Regimen and Dietetics. In brief the patient in Navjeevan Arogyadham experiences a unique customized approach towards treatment of the disease.
Appointment & Consultation